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  1. Study title: Mangroves and Meaning-Making: a mutual relationship over time? (Study report) Temporal extent: 2019-06-01/2020-07-31
    Dataset abstract:

    EN: Transcriptions of semi-structured interviews held with stakeholders involved in mangrove management and/or mangrove use during field work in the mangrove areas of Southern Ecuador. Questions developed based on cultural domain analysis (Borgatti 1994, Bernard 2006:266ff., Schnegg and Lang 2008) and grand tour questions (Spradley 1979:86) within the theoretical framework...

    ES: Transcripciones de entrevistas abiertas estandarizadas con stakeholders implicados en la gestión de manglares y/o el uso de manglares durante un trabajo de campo en los manglares de Ecuador del Sur. Cuestionario desarrollado basando en el cultural domain analysis (Borgatti 1994, Bernard 2006: 266ff., Schnegg and Lang 2008) y grand...

  2. Study title: Mangroves and Meaning-Making: a mutual relationship over time? (Study report) Temporal extent: 2019-06-01/2020-07-31
    Dataset abstract:

    EN: Mangrove forests are located at the in-between of the sea and the land. People around the world have made sense of mangroves in many different ways, ranging from mangroves as "home of ghosts", "resources", "biodiversity reserve", "coastal protection" to "death bringers". The aim of the research project is to...

    ES: Los manglares se encuentran en el intermedio del mar y de la tierra. Personas en todo el mundo han entendido los manglares de muchas maneras distintas, desde "casa de espíritus", "recursos", "reserva de biodiversidad", "protección costal" hasta "traedor de muerte". El objetivo de este proyecto de investigación es entender...

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